A lot of web applications include some sort of photo uploading functionality. Whether it’s allowing a user to upload a personal avatar or to create and manage an entire photo gallery with watermarking features, it’s somewhat of a pain to code. PHP includes several built-in functions for accomplishing this using the GD library but they’re cumbersome at best. Luckily someone else feels your pain and has written a class that makes it a snap to work with images.…
Read more »Working with databases in Laravel is ridiculously easy thanks to Eloquent. Eloquent allows you to map database tables as simple model objects that include various methods for retrieving and updating the database. While working on other people’s code, however, I’m usually not lucky enough to be working with something as enjoyable as Laravel. Thankfully Laravel is written in such a way that some of it’s key components can be used as stand-alone modules.…
Read more »WordPress is a great CMS (Content Management System) is you want to get a site up and running very quickly. It’s themable and within the theming framework, WordPress includes the ability to include popular assets like JQuery. All it takes is a simple command. <?php wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery’); What if you don’t want to use the version of JQuery included in WordPress though? There are several reasons you would require a different version, compatibility for example.…
Read more »I’ve worked with a handful of different PHP frameworks over the years. From ZEND Framework to Codeigniter, all have their pros and cons. Some of them are more difficult to work with than others. None of them, however, have been more enjoyable for me to work with than Laravel. I came across Laravel while randomly browsing the web. I don’t even remember what I was looking for but after reading more about Laravel and how simple it was to setup, I was hooked.…
Read more »If you’ve been working with the web for the past decade, you’re probably familiar with Apache web server. Apache has long been a pillar of the world wide web. It’s free, functional and very modular. I’ve been using Apache for years as it’s the default on many hosting solutions. As great as Apache is, it’s not a one size fits all solution. In fact it may even be overkill for some projects.…
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